
In this article you will find all the information related to Dixper’s crate system.

There are 3 crate types available for customization in each collection:

Basic crate

The old reliable. This crate contains a set of random skills of one particular collection


Rarity crate

The lovers crate. This one contains one skill of one fixed rarity selected by the buyer, plus some random skills.


Skill crate

The queen. This one contains one guarantied skill plus some random skills.


<aside> 💡 Important: You can change the amount of skills per crate → up to 3


Crates configuration in Dixper Studio

You will find this configuration in each collection, in the “Price” tab. It only affects that particular collection, so keep in mind you need to customize all collections independently.

In the following window you will be able to set up your crates:

Crates configuration window

Crates configuration window


Let’s check discount settings separately. Here you can customize the discount that you want to apply to the viewers that buy multiple crates at once from the same collection.