Payments tab

You can see here all the information regarding your sales, incomes and personal data.


In orther to receive payments, make sure your paypal account is submitted, your email verified and your personal data saved.

When do I get paid?

Your monthly earnings are sent every 15th of the next month``*. This means that your revenue from your earnings on January will be sent on the 15th of February.

<aside> 🚨 Please be aware that payouts are sent the next month ONLY if a minimum of 10 USD/EUR have been accumulated.


The 15 days of delay are due to our refund [policy] on digital products.

If you haven't received a payment, please make sure that your email is verified on Paypal, since it could prevent the payment to be sent properly.

If you have your email verified on Paypal and you haven't received your payment, please open a ticket on our [Discord] server.

Due to public holidays, there could be a slight change eventually.

Tax Identification Number

A Tax Identification Number (TIN for short) is an identifying number used for tax purposes. Not all countries handle taxes the same way, but since we are based in Spain we need to issue invoices for the revenue we get from streamers and we use the TIN on our invoices in order to identify them.

You can download invoices in the app every payday as soon as they are generated.


If you're not certain of what ID you should add, it's okay to introduce your National ID or SSN, since they're still legally valid for our government.