<aside> 💡 Last updated February 15th, 2023


Dixper’s General Terms And Conditions For Streamers

Dixper’s General Terms And Conditions For Viewers


These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "T&Cs") govern the download, access, navigation and use of the DIXPER mobile application and its website www.dixper.gg (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Platform").

These T&Cs are intended exclusively for registered users of the Platform.


In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, of Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we detail below the details of the owner of the Platform:

• Owner: DIXPER SOFTWARE, S.L. (hereinafter, "DIXPER"). • N.I.F: B-88096680 • Registered Office: Calle del Encanto 5, Escalera 8, 2E, Alcobendas, 28100, Madrid. • E-mail: [email protected]

We call "Users" of the Platform to any person registered or that uses the Platform.

In consideration of the foregoing, we call "Streamers" to the users of the Platform who are registered or who use the Platform to broadcast online content, whether pre-recorded or live.

Any Streamer can register or use the Platform as long as he/she is previously registered and has an account in Twitch or any other Streaming platform, and accepts these T&Cs, as well as other specific conditions regarding the commissions generated for the use of this platform by Streamers and Viewers, and the DIXPER Privacy Policy.

DIXPER only provides the Platform to bring both, the User that offers its online content on the Platform (hereinafter the "Streamer") and the User interested in viewing such content, acquire the products of the Streamers that offer in their profiles on the Platform (hereinafter, "Skills" or "interactions"), and interact with the Streamers in such live content (hereinafter the "Viewer", and alongside with the "Streamer", the "Users").

Registration on the Platform for the Streamer is free of charge in accordance with the provisions of these T&Cs. Once registered on the Platform, you will have the status of Streamer User on the Platform.

It is expressly stated that DIXPER only makes available to all its Users, through the Platform, a virtual linking space between Streamers and Viewers (hereinafter the "Service"). In the event that one or more Users or any third party initiate any type of claim or legal action against another User, each and every one of those involved in such claims or actions exempt DIXPER and its directors, managers, employees, agents, operators, representatives and attorneys-in-fact from all liability.

The Service is limited to the provision of a technology platform that allows users of the Platform, link immediately and thus be able to meet the needs of one party with the services of the counterparty.

The Streamer knows and accepts that when sharing content with other Users or third parties, he does so at his own risk, keeping the due proportion between the risk and the selected means of providing the service of generation and publication of such content, as well as interaction with Viewers through such live content, and respecting any regulations applicable to its activity.

The agreement and linking between the Users does not create any service contract, mandate, franchise, or employment relationship between DIXPER and the Users. Users acknowledge and agree that DIXPER has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the content generated and published on the Platform, nor the interactions produced between Users regarding such content, nor the truthfulness or accuracy of the profiles created, advertisements, and/or the ability of the Viewer to pay for the viewing and possibility of interaction in the aforementioned content.

The T&Cs, as well as the Privacy Policies and/or information on the Platform apply to all Users of the Platform from the first moment in which they enter the Platform. These T&Cs are mandatory, binding and apply to all activities carried out on the Platform. Therefore, if Users do not fully accept these T&Cs and DIXPER's Privacy Policy, they may not use the Platform.