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With Squad Skills you will be able to share Dixper interactions with other content creators. Encourage other streamers to join the battle and create a fireproof team. This will be a fun way to grow your community and meet new players.

Create a new Squad

To organize a new group, go to *Create Squad*.

You will find there a code with the group ID. Send it to your friends so they can join.

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Joining a Squad

To join a Squad created by someone else, copy the code that they will provide you and click on JoinPaste it into the box below.

<aside> 💡 Make sure you don't leave any spaces.


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SPANISH - Squad Skills

Con Squad Skills podrás compartir interacciones de Dixper con otros creadores de contenido. Anima a otros streamers a unirse a la batalla y crear un equipo a prueba de fuego. Esta será una forma divertida de hacer crecer tu comunidad y conocer a nuevos jugadores.

Create a new Squad

Para organizar un nuevo grupo, ve a *Crear Squad*.

Allí encontrarás un código con el ID del grupo. Envíaselo a tus amigos para que se unan.

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